Paul Danaher

Paul Danaher Law Firm


I was born and raised in midtown Kansas City, the 9th of 16 children. After graduating with highest honors from law school in 1985, I worked for two years defending insurance companies against claims by injured people. I gained valuable experience learning how insurance companies evaluate and handle injury claims. While working at the law-firm, I discovered that, many years before, my boss had paid $1,000 as the value of my 17 year-old brother Joe’s life. He had been killed in a motor vehicle accident by a negligent driver, and the insurance company paid my parents $1,000.00 in settlement of their wrongful death claim. This is one of the reasons I am so passionate about how well I represent my clients against insurance companies.


Paul Danaher Law Firm

Attorney-Insurance Claims

For the past 30+ years, I have focused my law practice on aggressively protecting individuals against insurance companies for the injuries and damages they have suffered. I have recovered tens of millions of dollars for those who have been injured, either at work, or in car wrecks, or if they have been exposed to dangerous products. For over 95% of my clients, I personally handle the entire claim, from the first phone call through the final distribution of their financial recovery. As your attorney, when you call my office, you work and speak only with me.

Insurance companies are constantly training their employees with the latest techniques to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Any person who has been injured due to the negligence or fault of a company or individual MUST have quality, professional legal representation to protect their welfare, financially and medically. You are an innocent victim when you are injured; don’t become a second victim, from being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous insurance adjuster, trying to “pull a fast one” on you!


Relationships Matter. Connect with Paul.

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